fbpx Biennale Musica 2023 | Louis Braddock Clarke - Weather Gardens
La Biennale di Venezia

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Louis Braddock Clarke - Weather Gardens

Year:2023, world premiere
Research, concept, composition:Louis Braddock Clarke
Production:La Biennale di Venezia - CIMM, Centro Informatico Musicale Multimediale


Weather Gardens by Louis Braddock Clarke is an installation that explores sonic ecologies shaped by humans in the age of the Anthropocene. The work invites the audience into an intimate listening experience with infrasound, a bandwidth of 0 to 20 Hz being filled with long waves of human existence. Gas flares, extreme weather, atomic booms, flash floods, mining blasts, plummeting space debris, whooshing turbines, iceberg explosions, and wild fires all emit infrasonics.
This phenomenon is a space of the inaudible, the energetic, and the unheard. Raising the question, “How should we listen and attune to the new ‘tempo’ of a shifting Earth?”.
Inside the soundscape three metallic monoliths resonate and oscillate, engaging the sonic ghosts with the physical world. These material manifestations of vibrations are visual actors, and grounding markers of our invisible gardens and unstable world.

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Biennale Musica