fbpx Biennale Teatro 2023 | Boris Nikitin - Hamlet
La Biennale di Venezia

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Boris Nikitin - Hamlet

Length / Year:90’, 2016 (Italian premiere)
By:Boris Nikitin
Concept, text, direction:Boris Nikitin
With:Julia*n Meding
Songs:Uzrukki Schmidt
Baroque Ensemble:Der musikalische Garten
Sound design:Adolfina Fuck
Video:Georg Lendorff, Kai Mayer
Set design and costumes:Nadia Fistarol
Lighting design:Benjamin Hauser
Technical directors:Anahi Perez and Benny Hauser
Production management:Annett Hardegen
Produced by:It’s The Real Thing Studios
Commissioned by:Kaserne Basel, Gessnerallee Zürich, La Vilette Paris, Onassis Center Athens, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Münchner Kammerspiele, HAU - Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
With the support from:Theatre/Dance Committee of the Cantons of Basel-Land and Basel-Stadt, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Pro Helvetia, Migros Kulturprozent, Kunststiftung NRW


“This is not a theatre production. It is not even a performance. This is not a concert. This is not real life. And this is not reality” states Julia*n Meding, a performer and electronic musician, in the opening scene, appearing as a modern-day Hamlet who rebels against reality. Written and directed by Boris Nikitin, Hamlet does not adapt Shakespeare’s play but claims it.

Nikitin writes: “We make reference to the original, but this is a completely new work… We use Hamlet to bring into play the ideas of reality, illusion, health, sickness”. Accompanied by the award-winning string quartet Der Musikalische Garten in a performance that merges punk-queer musical theatre with documentarism, the protagonist is involved in a tour de force in which he lays himself, his body and his biography bare before the eyes of the public. Is it Hamlet? Or is it even Meding? Or is it all just a game?

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Biennale Teatro